In our Twenty Fifth year we have set ourselves a challenge!! To celebrate our work over the last two and a half decades, we are going to attempt 25 baby lobster releases, in 25 different locations in just 25 days!
From the Iles of Scilly to the North Cornish Coast and back again we are releasing our babies all around the coast of our beautiful County. Roping in friends and supporters along the way from all corners of Cornwall, we cannot wait to highlight our work and share updates with you via our
social media channels.
To align boats, dive teams, fisherman friends, staff, volunteers, tides, baby lobster production and the weather is no mean feat! All might have to changed around at the drop of a hat if Mother Nature is not on our side. Consider sponsoring the challenge £2.50 at just 10p per release <3
Huge thank you to our friends supporting the challenge:
– Our incredible fishers