Celebrating 25 years in 2025
Adopt a lobster

Buy One, Set One Free

‘Buy one, set one free’ (BOSOF) is an amazing ‘win-win’ collaborative scheme that enables you and your customers release baby lobsters into our waters to sustain fragile stocks.

BOSOF originally began in restaurants with a small voluntary donation (e.g. £1) going to the NLH on every sale of lobster which enables us to raise and release a baby lobster back into our local waters, in place of those consumed, on the customer’s behalf. This mutually beneficial scheme has been such a success that it has grown and is now being utilised by many wonderful restaurants and fishmongers as well as hotels, food producers, celebrity chefs, artists, jewellery brands, fashion designers and clothing brands and many more! Any aspect of ‘Lobster Love’ makes it possible to come on board with BOSOF and it really is a brilliant, public engaging and ‘feel good’ way to (literally) give back!


If you are interested in becoming a BOSOF supporter, please contact Nic on: [email protected]