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Lobster being interview with microphone

A Clawsome Tale

We’re excited to share a fun exclusive interview with Lucie Machin, the brilliant Director of ‘A Clawsome Tale’ – a film showcasing the wonderful world of lobsters and the work of The National Lobster Hatchery. The footage has been captured, but we need your generous support to finish making this ground breaking documentary. The Kickstarter campaign is live, and your contributions can help bring this tale of marine conservation to life.

Lucie has immersed herself in our world, listening to our stories and capturing our lives on film. Now, it’s our turn! One of our inquisitive lobsters, Loretta, is eager to ask Lucie a few questions.

Loretta Lobster: Lucie, hello! We know we’re totally claw-some, but what inspired you to put us lobsters at the heart of your documentary?

Director Lucie: “Ever since visiting the hatchery back in 2017 – where I fell in love with you little lobsters – I’ve thought that the work the humans do would be a perfect subject for a short film. At the time, I was completing a Masters in Conservation & Biodiversity at the University of Exeter in Penryn. Since then, I’ve moved my way up in the field of Conservation Filmmaking, trying to bring attention to worthwhile conservation projects and thought it was about time to revisit this film idea. Thankfully the humans at the Hatchery were on board!”

Loretta Lobster: What makes The National Lobster Hatchery special in your eyes?

Lucie: “One of my favourite aspects of the Hatchery’s approach is the way that it unites people from very different backgrounds. Scientific, conservation and fishing communities, all working together towards the same goal. Collaboration is often still missing in the field of conservation, and we need more of this to achieve a bigger impact on the multiple environmental crises facing us.”

Loretta Lobster: What was your favourite experience or memory from filming ‘A Clawesome Tale’? Come on, spill the beans! Was it hanging out with us cool lobsters?

Lucie: “It’s hard to pick just one! Watching the sunrise from onboard fisherman Dan’s boat, meeting thousands of your siblings and helping to release hundreds of you into your new home on the Cornish coast, are all amazing moments.

But the best part was feeling like part of such a fantastic project and working alongside the dedicated team at the Hatchery, who were keen to go along with our (slightly mad) film ideas!”

Loretta Lobster: What do you hope this documentary will achieve? Other than making us the most famous lobsters around, of course!

Lucie: “I hope this film brings more attention to the fantastic work that The National Lobster Hatchery does, particularly in the lead up to their 25th year in 2025. Once completed, we’re aiming to enter it into film festivals nationally and internationally, further raising the Hatchery’s profile and educating people about how interesting and important you lovely lobsters are! The National Lobster Hatchery will play the film in their Visitor Centre, educating the thousands of people coming through their doors every year.

It’s relatively rare to find such a positive environmental story, never mind one which benefits multiple sectors of society, and we need more stories like yours out in the world.”

Loretta Lobster: Thank you, Lucie! We lobsters truly appreciate your hard work in bringing our story to the world. One final question – how can people get involved and support this documentary?

Lucie: “You can help finish this impactful project, ‘A Clawesome Tale’, by donating to our Kickstarter Campaign. Every bit of help counts!”