Celebrating 25 years in 2025
Climate Cycle: 3,000 miles, 3 months, 3 projects, 1 bamboo bike.
Kate Strong is an ex-engineer, world record holder, triathlete, and overall wonderful human being who we had the pleasure of welcoming to our visitor centre in Padstow.
10 years ago, Kate explains that she ‘woke up’ from the life she was living and ready for a change. She started competing in triathlons and became world champion, only a mere 2-years into her career in the sport, whilst running a guest house and restaurant 7 days a week. Unfortunately, an injury meant she could no longer compete, and so her search for herself and alternative cycle routes began. 3 years ago, she wanted to use sport as a vehicle and so she a world record for the furthest distance on a static bike in 24 hours, a record only a man had set. This lit Kate’s fire again and inspired her to start planning for Climate Cycle.
On World Environment Day, 5th June, Kate loaded up her bike and set off on a cycle adventure around the UK, looking for something to ‘connect back to people’, ‘a away to visit local community projects, find inspiring people who aren’t in the media as much, and just be the connector’. Conservation and sustainability are imperative to Kate, so when we received the call, she wanted to come and meet us and our lobby’s the answer was an immediate yes. We spent the day with her, showing her around our visitor centre, behind the scenes with our technicians, and talking about her incredible journey, sustainability, conservation and ways in which you can get involved around the UK!
Kate expressed how deeply spiritual the journey has been, not just connecting with different walks of life, restoring her love for the UK again, meeting other conservation activists but with herself. She offers the advice that ‘We need more alone time, more nature time, disconnect time because that is when the magic happens.’ Interacting with conservationists along the way, projects pre, during and post Climate Cycle, has opened her eyes to the capability of each of us. ‘I am just one person, I didn’t think it was possible but, on this trip, we are magnificent beyond our capabilities. I am not going to stop saying no, I am going to do it. If its brought to me, I am going to do it, say yes. Believe.’
Now, we are under no illusion the magnitude of this adventure that Kate is undertaking, so we had to ask her what difficulties she faced. This being the weather. At this time of year, we would hope the sun and warmth would be on Kate’s side, but mother nature had other plans. An organisation that she spoke about was Warm Showers ‘ a vibrant community of touring bicyclists and hosts who offer free hospitality in nearly every corner of the world’. Fellow travellers offer their home to adventurers for nights stays and a warm shower! One of her hosts has been to our hatchery and led her our way on her adventure.
You can follow Kate’s journey, past and present and she welcomes you to join her on her cycles if you are able to do so.
Website: Climate Cycle – Kate Strong
Instagram: @katestrong01
Climate Cycle stops in September, however the projects and her conservation work does not. Working with schools in Glasgow, writing a book and planning other cycling trips, this won’t be the last you hear of Kate Strong.